Thursday, March 12, 2015

Road to a Healthier Me

It dawned on that I have not blogged in a very long time, since October people! My oh my, life has been happening and time just keeps seeming to fly by faster and faster. So, here I sit today, at home trying to kick this bronchitis crud so I can get back to normal life again by tomorrow because y'all know I ain't got time for this mess!

Since it's been a while since my last update, let me catch you up to speed. As some of you know, last fall, my health was not great. I was in the midst of feeling like I lived at the doctor, getting test after test, trying all sorts of medications and other than getting some temporary relief to some symptoms from medications that made me sleepy and feeling like I was in a constant brain fog, I got no real answers. You can imagine the financial toll all this was taking as well. The neurologist left off last calling the burning/tingling/pins and needles/firecrackers going off in my body/burning headaches - "idiopathic neuropathy" which basically means "you've got neuropathy and we don't know why or what is causing it." Lucky me.

During this time, I was also scheduled for a partial hysterectomy to take care of some abnormal cells that needed to go before they became cancer, amongst other things. So, I decided to hold off on second opinions and more tests for the neuropathy symptoms until after getting through this surgery. On November 13, out came everything but one ovary. Recovery went well, and the toughest part was not getting to pick up my 4 year old for so many weeks and of course missing my Joy School family and students. I was again reminded how truly blessed I am to have so many fabulous people in my life who helped with things around my house, kept my classroom running, and fed my family for weeks post surgery. Thank you Jesus!

The holidays were upon us just a couple weeks after my surgery and with the neuropathy symptoms still flaring from time to time, I started considering my options. Back in October, my cousin and her husband shared with me their success with a product called Plexus Slim. Her husband who had suffered for years with severe back pain was now off the high dosage of meds and no longer needed cortisone shots in his spine after just a couple of months using this product. Another bonus was the 20 pounds he lost as well. At the time, I just said I needed to see what the doctors figured out and didn't think much else about it. But my husband decided a week or so later to give it a try. Now, I love my husband, but consistency with things like this is just not his strong-suit, so after a week or so, the bag of Plexus slim was stashed in the pantry forgotten.

That is until I came across a few days before Thanksgiving and after feeling bloated and like I gained a few pounds from all the laying around recovering from surgery I had been doing, I thought, "What the heck, I'll try it. If nothing else, maybe it will keep me from gaining weight over the holidays." So I did - I started taking Slim that day and just a little over a week later, on December 2, after talking it over more with my cousin, I decided to sign up as a Plexus Ambassador for the discount because I wanted to try a few other products. I ordered more Plexus Slim, along with the ProBio5, BioCleanse, and Xfactor multivitamin. And my how things have changed since that day!

I've now been on those same products for over 3 months. The extreme fatigue was the first of my symptoms to go. After just a few weeks, I was sleeping better than I ever had and my energy level improved drastically. I started looking up more info and learning more about how they work. Many of the products help heal leaky gut and kill off the Candida fungus that gets overgrown in our systems. You see, it was normal for me to take 5 or more doses of antibiotics each year for the last 10 or more years for the chronic sinus infections I had. As you may know, when you take an antibiotic, it kills off ALL the bacteria, good and bad, in your gut. Candida feeds off of this dead matter floating around in your gut - and boy did mine have plenty there to feed on with all those times I was taking antibiotics! Guess what else I have learned Candida feeds off of - SUGAR people! And last time I checked, eating candy for lunch on a regular basis pretty much certifies me as a sugar addict! As I was learning all of this, and taking these products, I noticed I wasn't craving sugar constantly anymore. I wasn't craving diet coke either. Instead I started noticing that instead I was craving WATER, and fruit and veggies! This was huge for this sugar addicted, 5-6 diet cokes a day gal!

As the weeks have gone by, my energy level has stayed up. I continue to sleep wonderfully. My skin has never been clearer and my seasonal allergies that are usually at their worst this time of year are drastically improved. The IBS symptoms I have battled for as long as I can remember - GONE! Those weird tingling/pins and needles/firecracker episodes of neuropathy are improving every day. They are less frequent and don't stop me in my tracks like before. What I have learned about leaky gut and Candida overgrowth is that those things are likely the cause of all the weird symptoms I was having, and likely contributed to my sinus troubles, and even the cause of the cystic acne I had experience over the years. I now take Plexus Slim, Probio5 (in my opinion the BEST probiotic on the market), BioCleanse, Xfactor and Accelerator+. I have also added the Fast Relief capsules to my daily regimen (after learning that the ibuprofen I had also taken almost daily for sinus pain and headaches was also causing leaky gut). These are all helping to heal and balance all the damage I had done to my insides over the years.

Today, I can say that I am now off NINE - yes, NINE, prescriptions. I have one left that I only take 1/3 of the original dose. I also stopped taking a whole mountain of different supplements that have been replaced with 1 multivitamin - Xfactor - that actually works!  My clothes fit better. I feel better. I have been blessed by Plexus.

So to wrap this up, I can say that I truly feel I am on the road to being healthier than I have ever been. I almost made it through the winter without getting a bout of bronchitis crud, and although I did still get it, it's not nearly as severe as I have had it in years past, and hopefully, it will be short lived. I am enjoying my life rather than feeling like I am dragging myself through it. I truly believe sometimes prayers are answered in unexpected ways and my prayers to get well have definitely been answered. Thank you Jesus!

I do have to say that these are the results I have found to be true for me. This is my story. Our bodies are all different and everyone may not have the same results I have had with Plexus. On that note, Plexus does have a 60 day money back guarantee on all the products, so if you are looking for something to help you find healthy again, click here for more info.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, Lori! I have several friends who also love Plexus and credit it with many of their own success stories. It's good to e-meet you! Best wishes on your continued journey!
